Originally posted by Aladdin Sane
I gotta ask: 1. Has the subject come up? 2. Do you and her do any kind of sexual activity? 3. How old are the two of you? 4. Why are you waiting?
No judgement here. I'm just curious. (That should be my tag line.)
Even though it wasn't directed at me...
1) Many times.
2) I think a good phrase would be "everything but" sex.
3) 23/22
4) Very early in our relationship we "clicked" so hard, we both knew it was going to last. Started dating in 1/2001, started talking about it in 3-4/2001. I was indifferent (I had other serious relationships that didn't lead to sex) and she wanted to wait (because it 'felt right'). So I agreed, and now we're getting married in 7/2006 (Yeah, long engagement, not my choice)... and unless one of us has a huge hormone rush, we'll do it then.
We have fun, we love each other, and as sappy as it seems in this day in age, we pretty much fell instantly in love, head over heels.
We went to the same college, and lived in the same dorm... it's hard for those who didn't know us very well to believe that we aren't fucking. Parents included.
Edit: We were both raised RC, but both have strayed very far from the church. So I don't think it's religion holding either of us back. I guess we both wanted to do things "right." /shrugs... and the fact that several of our friends have gotten pregnant, had abortions, etc.