Originally posted by Bentley Little
Aw Mal, where's the self confidence? 
You are probably just modest.
Realist, and nope...
Lack of a decent tip story:
Got into the cab last night at the airport, now where I live, is considered a "short" trip by airport standards, so some of the cabbies, hope to make the after midnight pickups their last one for the night and then head home, but because I live within 30 minutes, most of the cabbies end up having to go back to the airport for one more fare.
Not my problem, I don't make the rules or set the fares.
Well, the main highway to get to my home is being ripped up, plus the NJ Performing Arts Center is usually letting out onto this main road whcih is all under construction. So, it's massive traffice for about 3 miles.
The windows in the back seat of the cab didn't open, the cab driver ignored me when I asked him to turn down the salsa radio station that he had blasting, and he was cussing under his breath about the traffic. Wasn't getting any points from me at all.
He gets to my apartment, and stops, tells me the fare (29.00) I get out of the cab, to force him to do a little work, he takes my bag out of the trunk, and I hand him 30.00 (I seriously considered asking for change)
I take my bag, and head to my front door - he calls after me, that the fare was 29.00, yes, I gave you thirty, I think that's more than generous, he cusses some more, and peeled out of the parking lot.
Tipping is for service.