We had a similar experience once. Years ago we were driving out in country and some kids (teens) in a pick up truck hit. It wasn't a major collision but the kids were drinking. I was pregnant at the time so hubby was Furious! Anyhow, because we were out in the middle of nowhere we knew if we called the cops the kids would be gone.So hubby took the kids info (both of them) from drivers liscenses, VIN info etc. The driver agreed to pay a certain amount-- $500.00 I think- to repair our car. Hubby made it clear if he did not pay by the agreed time he would hunt them down and kick their asses. ( As I said he was mad and these kids were scared shitless) They paid as agreed-- the full amount and on time. So it can work out, just make sure you get their info in case they don't pay.
Side note, this also happened in WI. Good Luck!
"There's one in every family...two in mine actually.."--- Zazu