Sorry Mods, I know that General Discussion probably isn't the best place for this, but I would imagine that it would get the most traffic here. I need some relatively quick answers, but feel free to move it if you must.
Alright folks, please offer any advice you can give me in this situation. However, I do ask that you don't speculate, as having incorrect information regarding this matter likely would hurt more than help. This post may be a bit long, but I would like to include all the related info. Take note, however, that I do not condone the actions that led up to the incident.
My Cousin, we'll call her "B" was drinking downtown at a bar. She was far, far too drunk to drive, so she called her friend, we'll call her "W" to come and drive her home. "W" got dropped off at the bar and they both hopped in and began to drive home. However, they were going straight when a truck took a sharp left in front of them and they hit it in the rear, causing extensive damage to both vehicles, particularily "B's"
After getting out and speaking with the driver they find that he is a 20 year old and that he is intoxicated. The legal drinking age here in Wisconsin is 21, and so he would suffer dire consequences if caught. Both of the girls are of age. He believes that "W" was completely sober and admits that the accident is his fault. In reality, however, "W" - although not wasted, likely would not pass a breathalyzer. On top of that, her license is suspended. So, when the guy suggests (begs) that they don't call the police, both "B" and "W" readily agree.
I get a call at approximately 3:30 in the morning from "B" to come and pick her up. I get the guys information, and as a precautionary measure we have him sign a slip of paper that says the following:
I, "Guy", will give "B" $500.00 in cash within a 24 hour period. I will then pay the remaining balance of the costs of repairs within a six-month time period. I fully acknowledge that the accident was 100% my fault. If I do not comply with these terms, I will pay an additional fee of $50.00 for every week that the balance is not paid in full after the alotted 6 month time frame.
The document is signed by both parties as well as a witness (me) and has the date on top.
He then drives home and I park "B's" car in a nearby parking lot and give both "B" and "W" a ride to "B's" house.
The reasoning behind not calling the police and filing a report is because "B" didn't want to have "W" get in a whole shitload of trouble. However, will the insurance (either the guys or hers) still pay for the damages if the accident report is filed at a later time (like... say.. .when they both are sober?) Will the insurance even cover "W" with a suspended license? Will the insurance pay even without a police report filed?
Like I said, I don't really agree with what happened tonight, but we made best do with the situation at hand, given the options we had. I don't believe there were any witnesses to the accident other than those involved.
So, any advice? I know that that is pretty open ended, but I am sure that I may have missed many of things that could potentially come from this. Any help with the insurance specific questions would be much, much appreciated as well.
Well, that's all for now - Thanks again TFP