That dog definitely needs to be put to sleep. There's no doubt about it, whatsoever. The dog is a menace and by the sounds of it it's just a matter of time before it attacks a human. You won't feel any guilt about having it put down after it does that, but you'll be feeling a lot of guilt for not having it done sooner, when all the warning signs are clear.
You're not doing this for revenge. Even if you think you might be, I think everyone who replies will know that the more important reason for doing this is for everybody's safety. Don't feel bad about the death of the dog. It won't be painful, and it's just doing what comes naturally to it, being a half-wolf. Unfortunately a half-wolf's environment isn't in the backyard during a BBQ, so it should never be there in the first place.
If you still have a nagging feeling that you're doing this for the wrong reasons, wait for some more replies here and wait a few more days. Talk to the vet as well about what he recommends. And you could call the RSPCA and just ask what they think, without having to make any commitments about having the dog put down.
The owner of that dog isn't responsible. Paying for the vet fees is one thing, and of course should be expected, but having her menace of a dog/wolf put down is also his responsibility.