The president is the Chief Executive, and as such has a variety of underlings at his disposal to keep him abreast of issues at hand. It seems to me that given his past record of being an inarticulate boob when not properly coached, there should have been more consultation with the various minority issues experts in the administration before an appearance before the minority reporters of the country. These questions should have been anticipated, and appropriate strategies for answer or obfuscation developed.
The Republican Party can not be perceived as uncaring of minority issues if it is going to seriously court the minority vote. Not meeting with the NAACP, referring to Native American sovriegnty as something that is "given" and therefore could be "taken away", touting the "No child left behind" doctrine, which has had questionable success, as a cornerstone for outreach, all smack of lipservice to minority groups in America.
I don't give a shit how much the President has on his mind, if he isn't prepared to speak before a sector of the American people in an intelligent manner, he has marginalized them. If a factory worker in Ohio wants to know the wage difference between jobs "outsourced" and jobs "created", the President should have an answer. I would hold any President to this standard.
Give him a break? How about give ME a break. If the Chief Executive of IBM or Coca Cola tried this approach, or asked for a break because they had a lot on their plate, they would be on the street.
The difference between theory and reality is that in theory there is no difference.
"God made man, but he used the monkey to do it." DEVO