Originally posted by repeater
American Indian Rights
American Indians should be free to determine their own system of governance and should have their property rights restored.
Does that mean we all have to leave?
Let me preface with..."As I understand it", because I
could be wrong. (Hey...it's happened) When the party says that the American Indian should have their property rights restored...what they mean is that property that was legaly given to them, per treaty, by the United States Congress, only to have that property taken from them. This includes lands such as the Black Hills, of South Dakota. This is sacred land to them, and we, by violation of a still binding treaty, forced them from, and proceeded to occupy it. Plus, I think we carved some white men's faces on it.
Is this likely to happen? No...it's not. Not
all Libertarian position is gold. The
principle is sound...but the implementation is really not feasible.