How could this develop into anything more than a religious bashing thread? I think it speaks volumes about the clash of science and religion. It's a catch-22 for the church. You either do the LOGICAL thing and bend the rules a bit, thus invalidating age-old law, or you stick to the hard law and look like a really bad example of what faith 'should' be. Just another crack in the fascade.
Furthermore, I'm seeing a few posts from ex-catholics. Yeah, I know you're all sensitive about your faith and your roots, but you guys seem to be the first to point out what's wrong with the system. I think others can do the same just as well from the outside looking in. I was raised Jewish and I've studied the culture like mad. I can pretty much say that I've developed a healthy utter dislike of the Catholic faith. It's hardly a faith... it's a phalanx. The Spanish Inquisition. The birth of the Anglican Church. The Puritans. All brands of Catholicism. It's all there in the past and it's all here in the present.
Through my eyes, how can any discussion about this NOT turn into religion bashing?