I'm sorry but I'm just not buying that because there are all these other things to be concerned with that the guy shouldn't be expected to at least give a rudimentary explanation of what he thought of the idea of sovereignty.
You don't have to be specially breifed to be able to explain your position on that issue, at least in a basic overview.
He gave us no insight, no information, and no understanding in reference to the man's question, except that now we are all going to be pretty well convinced he doesn't either know or care about the situation.
I am totally willing to give deference to the Prez or any official when it comes to getting blindsided by a specific question. If the guy had asked for the President's input on some specific tribe or event or legislation, then it would be perfectly okay to say that he didn't have the chance to research the matter. But to be asked a very general question and not be able to answer it, then compound matters by trying to bluff your way out of having to admit that fact, to me is unacceptable in a senior official.
Yes, we live in uniquely demanding times. That is why I believe it is imperative get the best person we can to lead the country, and that is not a guy who can't even have the presence of mind to simply present a very baseline, but clear answer to a broad question about a very important matter of Federal policy, without requiring a special briefing ahead to prepare for it.
I garuntee that neither Gore nor Kerry would have had a problem providing a simple answer that may not have been long on specifics, but still would have made sense and given us an idea of what their position was on the matter.
To those who say give the man a break, I'm sorry but I ran out of those in the first 100 days. I'm tired of having to give a daily break to the man that is supposed to represent the best we have to offer, and that I have vested my nation's security and welfare in. No, I think it is time we start being a little more demanding of our Commander-in-Chief.
"Don't tell me we're so blind we cannot see that this is my land! I can't pretend that it's nothing to do with me.
And this is your land, you can't close your eyes to this hypocracy.
Yes this is my land, I won't pretend that it's nothing to do with me.
'Cause this is our land, we can't close our eyes to the things we don't wanna see."