I guess I gotta be the first person to say that I didn’t like this movie. True, the cinematography was amazing and the acting was good, but that’s about it. Was it supposed to be an action movie that was deep and thought provoking? It tried to develop the characters, but I just never connected; I never felt Max (Fox) was ever in danger. Then there’s the plot; I can think of a dozen holes, but here’s a few. Spoiler: Vincent is an Uber Assassin, but he doesn’t look over the details of all his targets at the start, he only reads up on them one at a time as he kills them? He walks into a club and starts killing people left and right, but nobody panics and starts running? The Prosecutor (Smith) is working in the library, but doesn’t take her cell phone with her? Vincent can hear her stockings as she crawls on the carpet in a silent room, but he doesn’t hear Max come in? And what happened in the final train shootout? Did Vincent just run out of bullets? I’m sure that someone can give me an explanation for each of these. I also didn’t like the way the movie developed a major plot thread with the smart cop (Ruffalo) figuring out what was going on, only to be entirely dropped after the club scene. Anyway, just my opinions.