Originally posted by Willy
I used to know a guy that would only use $600+ fly rods. He seemed to think it made a huge difference in his casting and he simply couldn't fish with the $100 "crap" rods from Cabelas. Then a guy at the fly shop challenged him to cast an expensive rod and a cabela's rod (with tape over the labels) and tell them wich was which and he couldn't do it.
The point is, some people don't feel good about their stuff unless they spend as much as they can afford on it, and people saying things like "better optics" always makes me raise an eyebrow. What does that mean?
IMO with a pair of oakleys you're mostly paying for marketing that they have done to get the perception of "cool". Stuff like UV protection, polarized lenses, etc can easily be found in much cheaper glasses, but you don't get that big elongated "o" on the side that lets everyone know you spent a lot of money on your glasses.
I can agree with you on paying a bit for the marketing of oakleys, but when it comes to "Better Optics" this is not only a fact, but easily measurable by instrumentation available at eyeglass shops. better optics in oakleys means that the lenses distort your vision less than simple $5 lenses (most noticable at the outer sides of the lenses). Also, rather than being coated on only one side, better lenses are layered, making it harder to scratch off the actual polarizer and tinting, and if you know anythign about physics, the thickness of the lense at different parts of the lense makes a big difference as to the focus. I could go on, but I feel like I'm ranting...