I don't trust most of them. I normally get 130+ on the online ones. So I don't know my real IQ. I just know that I'm studying rocket science in college, and that I've had a lot of friends consider me a genius. Yeah, I may be smart, but there are those that are a lot smarter. I've ran into some extrodanary people and I normally feel extremely stupid in comparison. But it's not the IQ that matters. What really matters is how you use what intellegence you have, and the state of the heart you're in at the time. Use what you have with a kind heart and you'll go much further in life than the lazy, cold hearted, super genius...
...unless the super genius is set on world domination...*insert evil laugh here*
Originally posted by tehhappyboy
I'm a sooper jeneus.
Just like Wile-E-Cayote, right?