Originally posted by phyzix525
Well I did not know it was up to me to change the counrty. But since you asked, I think for starters we could fix the welfare program.
More generalizations. HOW will you fix it. Just saying "fix it!" isn't gonna save any money.
Also turn the social security program privitized
Got a plan for that? Got safeguards for that so that when some dumbfuck invests in the wrong stock and loses everyone's retirement we won't wind up with a bunch of homeless senior citizens?
also getting our education system changed. like vouchers for example.
Please explain to me how giving people money to send their children to private school will help save money.
Stop spending government money to find out the differences between men and women, or something stupid like that.
Finally something we agree on. Something you may not know, however, is that the last president to take a bigassed knife to the pork barrel bullshit the government likes to spend money on was Clinton.
The war is a big money drain at this point, but its not something we can just jump out of. Become more depended on our natural resorces like drilling anwar.
Or maybe try developing alternative energies that work? (solar, wind, water, etc)
There are many ways to slow spending, not all of it but some areas are a waste.
But as you said the war is a huge drain. We have to pay for it somehow. That means we can't be irresponsible and reduce taxes while our spending is so high.