Originally posted by sapiens
I do not know my IQ, but I do know that IQ scores predict a lot.
IQ is strongly related, probably more so than any other measurable human trait, to many educational, occupational, economic, and social outcomes.
When I said that my friend claimed that IQ doesn't mean much for intelligence, he meant the opposite of what you just said. I've never looked up any data on it myself, so maybe he's wrong. It would be surprising, though, since it's his job to know about these sorts of things.
It may be because the online tests are not valid, but it may also be because the average IQ of a person online is higher than the population average.
While its probably true that the average person taking online tests is relatively smart, scores of 135 and up are supposed to occur in less than 1% of the population (on the Stanford-Binet test at least). These scores are very common on these novelty tests. Then everyone claims they're a genius, which obviously isn't true.