OH YEAH! It could be installed on this board but you
MUST wait until you see vB 4. You will be blown away! As it comes with this feature and
tons more.
But, anyway, the way I had done this since
forever was to look underneath the quote button's url [of the post you want to link to; you could also use the edit button's url alternatively] via the status bar or just copying the link completely, then editing it to where everything before postid is deleted. Then you are left with
insert numerical sequence here]. After that there's one last step and you're done!
Copy the numerical sequence once more then add it after the first part we already had in place. Now, you should have postid[
insert your numerical sequence][
exact copy of numerical sequence]. Let me wrap this up real quickly from here. Now, just drop "
#post" inbetween the first set of numerical numbers and the last set. You should include this post link we've created after this default url:
http://www.tfproject.org/tfp/showthread.php?s=& Lot of work, eh?
Remember, these "[" "]" are not included. But I know you're computer savvy so there was no need to tell you in the first place.
Feels kinda good to be helping the guy that's helping me with Firefox all the time.