Although you say that you've never known anyone with these problems, I'd be willing to bet that someone you know, possibly someone very close to you DOES have one of these conditions. It's often someone you'd never guess. A girl that I was rather involved with for several months (long-distance) who I talked to hours each day and went to see several times in person just recently informed me that she is somewhat bulemic. One of my closest friends in college was a recovering anorexic...I think you can see what I mean.
As for my opinions on this, I think it's the same as compulsive over-eating or any other eating disorder: it's a disease and like most diseases it's not a matter of "quit whining and get over it". It's a serious ailment which some people are able to overcome on their own, but for some requires serious professional assistance.
This notion of "get over it" is shockingly common in people's perception of eating disorders, alcoholism, and many mental illnesses. It's really something I would like to see more people gain a little enlightenment on. If you've ever known someone suffering from any of these, then you know it's not a concious choice, but often a very painful and out-of-control disorder.
it's all about self-indulgence