I was in the same situation as yourself a while back. I graduated highschool at 5' 10" 300 pounds. I tried a ton of diet/training regimens, most consisting of heavy workouts almost everyday and very strict well-planned meals. If I would have been able to stick with them, I'd probably be in INCREDIBLE shape now. However, they were a little too difficult for me to keep up with.
I realized however that any change that I could maintain would help, even if not as much.
Now I don't know about you, but for me to maintain the weight at 280-300 pounds, I had to eat an unbelievable amount of food. It didn't seem like much, but when I tallied it up I was eating 6000+ calories minimum of really shitty stuff. In college, I'd do things like order three medium pizzas at night and have them gone by breakfast/lunch the next day. I started cutting down to what a "normal" sized person would eat. Not a bodybuilder or a health nut, but an average joe. I still ate pizza, but I'd only eat 3-4 slices (or a little more sometimes). I'd still get a veg. burger and fries, but I'd only get one order of fries and one sandwich. I already drank diet instead of regular pop, so that helped, but I just started making those kinds of changes. If I wanted cake, I ate cake. But only one normal piece, not the 1/3-1/2 a cake that I'd been eating. I started feeling better about myself and I really noticed a lot more energy. Next thing I knew I was down to 230 even, and the weight loss had straightened my back out to a point where I'm now around 6'0" tall.
I realize that to achieve some serious fitness, I'm going to have to buckle down and start exercising hard again (now I do minimal physical activity which is more than I was getting, but probably not enough) as well as eating a more balanced diet, but I also can't ignore the fact that I lost 70 pounds in about a year (I graduated at 300, but didn't start losing weight until last summer, with most of it coming off from last November until this April/May).
It's all about finding what will work for you, and finding people that can help you stay accountable for your plans. Also, once you start losing weight you're gonna get addicted. Maybe not to the "runner's high" or the taste of granola, but being able to pull off fashionable looks from any store in the mall (not just the select few that sell pants about 42" and shirts 2xl and up)...you'll find yourself hooked on being able to fit into the regular seats on a roller coaster, or ride "bitch" in the backseat of a car without invading everyone else's space. And of course you're gonna find a ton of new attention from friends, family, and of course the fairer sex.
You seem like a great guy with a cool personality, this will just help you put together the whole package. For me, my weight was preventing people from ever taking the time to get to know me and realize I was more than a morbidly obese sorta-goth kid.
it's all about self-indulgence