Originally posted by Rdr4evr
You are being a hypocrite. You would wish them to suffer but not killed. Suffering is worse than death, what makes you think it is any better?
The whole argument about you not being better than them by wishing that does not work for me either because you are not wishing for an innocent man to suffer, you are wishing for killer animals to suffer, which is very much a different scenario.
If you truly believe you are a better man, why wish any bad on them at all?
I would not willingly wish evil upon any person, but I realize I'm not that strong. If I were a truly good person, then maybe I'd only wish the murderers find a way to redeem themselves, but I'm not, so thus I'll be realistic and recognize that I'd want them to suffer. I will draw the line at death though.
Does this make me a hypocrite, no. If they are dead, then there is no redemption for them. There's no way for them to change their ways, and there is no possible way for them to ever be useful to society. From an economic point of view, killing them is wasteful when there is a chance they might contribute to society, even against their will. From a non-sectarian religious point of view, there is no possible way for them to find the true religion, whatever it may be, while dead. From a moral point of view, 2 wrongs don't make a right.
For me, nothing is worse than death. Death is the only thing I cannot recover from. Make me a quadrapalegic, and I would probably be broken, but I could still think and there's still hope. As Stephen Hawking has proven, it is still possible to contribute to this world.