by your use of the term "these people," i see you failed to grasp my point. "these people" are everyone on the planet.
And by your suggestion we shouldn't have police because people will naturally murder, rape, torture, and all around create mayhem, it'll just happen.
and i have never seen a people who are at war that needed this much reminding. the war on terror is advertised more than coca cola to maintain top of mind awareness
You never saw those riding in a car with Hitler posters? Kinda hard not to know you're in the middle of a World War, yet they were still "advertising" it.
like voting for people who don't hire the morons who ran the pentagon when they bought $200 toilet seats
The toilet seats cost $200 not because of stupidity but because of the specifications. They had to withstand near supersonic speeds at ultra-low pressure, while being self-sealing in order to prevent explosive decompression (in the case it might be occupied at the time). High specifications matched with not too much production always equals expensive costs, its not like someone just looked over it on the piece of paper like many are lead to be.
and when you aren't scared, you can think for yourself again and start making some decent decisions.
I've never been scared by terrorists, and I dont like the implication that I'm somehow blinded and making a wrong choice because it's different than yours. I know how bullies work and the only way to stop them is to hit them back. Now these people are playing defense and running low on funds, which is how I'd rather have my enemies. Instead of ignoring them for 30 years and letting them get their shit together.