I have many Libertarian friends. I see folks move toward Libertarian positions based on their desire to do some illegal or sometimes regulated things - drugs, for example or porn or any number of things promoted by mass culture. From this position, their cries of "freedom" appear as simply "I want what I want". They seem most attracted to a get-the-government-off-my-back attitude and they are easily converted to Libertarianism as a result.
There's the whole group of people who oppose taxation. As we know, all nations have taxed their citizens since pre-Biblical times. It is a requisite for nationhood. I'm suspicious of anti-tax sentiments that are simply another way of saying "I want all my money".
The idea of personal responsibility sounds good. I see it as a concept most typically applied to others - in the sense they are accused of lacking it. I almost never see anyone using it in any other way than to blame other people for not taking responsibility for their lives, etc. Such defensiveness borders on denial. Personal responsibility is something that is either enforced or it doesn't happen in most people's lives.
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