campaign tatics, mudslinging, etc.
no, this isn't exactly what the topic says. anyways...
i was thinking earlier today about how i've seen people post here and on fark (or maybe just fark, can't say for sure) stating how they "aren't happy with bush but kerry hasn't given them a reason to vote for him." sometimes there's mention of how politicians (both sides) more often then not just bad mouth their opponent, often not even about the issues, rather than telling us what they plan on doing (details and whatnot).
anyways, what i was thinking was that this is probably mainly caused by our two party system. rather than needing to tell us what they plan to do, politicians can focus more on slinging mud and appealing to voters emotions. i mean, why bother telling people why your better than your opponent when you can just try to make them look bad? instead of trying to convince voters your the best choice, you can convince them that your oppenent is a bad choice, so by default, you must be better.
is this a negitive aspect of our american system? do you tfp'ers from outside the states find campaigns and tactics for them are different (if you're from a multiparty system country)? any other thoughts?
shabbat shalom, mother fucker! - the hebrew hammer