Originally posted by phyzix525
Everything that I have seen from other who disagree have not come up with anything that would work, they would rather just criticize. which leads me to believe that they are not independent thinkers and are just spouting anti-bush rhetoric.
Well hell! Is THAT all you want? Why didn't you say so. Here ya go.
Do what Clinton did.
Cut pork
Knock it off with giving the wealthy tax advantages that A) the non-wealthy don't have and B) the wealthy certainly don't need.
let's look at it this way.
Let's say we follow your plan and run a flat tax rate across the board. Let's set it at 50% because that makes the math really easy.
Now let's say that I make $200,000 a year and you make $20,000 a year.
After taxes, I'm sitting around with $100,000 to live on for the whole year. You, on the other hand, have $10,000. Who's gonna starve?
See, people love to say that a flat tax is fair and that the percentage is the number you want to look at. Those people are either economically deficient or they're heartless bastards. Take your pick. You can't look at the percentage that the government takes from you, you have to look at the end result.
If the end result means that certain people's lifestyles are not materially different with the tax than they would be without the tax, while other people's lifestyles are radically different with than without the tax, then something is broken and needs fixing.
If you have $20,000 to live on for the whole year, money may be tight (depending on where you live, it may be REALLY tight) but assuming you don't live in a big city you can probably get by. If you've only got $10,000 for the year, you're gonna be in the poorhouse. Your lifestyle has radically changed from being self sufficient to being dependent on financial assistance from someone (probably the government)
If you have $200,000 to live on for the whole year, you're sitting pretty. You can get pretty much anythign you need or want. If you've only got $100,000 for the whole year, you're still sitting pretty. You can get pretty much anything you need and most of the things you want (assuming you don't want stupid shit like a helicopter) Your lifestyle is not materially changed.
Yes, this is a simplistic model, but it illustrates the inequities brought about by a flat tax system.
On the other hand, the wealthy have used the resources made available to them by this country and, in fact, its system of government to make scads of money. Why should you not give more of it back than the person that has not been as fortunate as you?