Funny, I bought a Gamecube that day, too. I bought a "pre-owned" (meaning bought by a parent without asking the kid, returned after the 2 week return window, marked down 30%, perfect condition) Cube, with Metroid Prime, Zelda: WW, and Mario Party 4, and 2 more controllers, for about... $150? So far I am EXTREMELY pleased with the system and the games.
I had nearly forgotten why I always liked Nintendo systems the best. Then I remembered it's because Nintendo games rock. They're all about gameplay. X-Box games are all about effects (even though they're not that good), PS2 is all style, and Gamecube games, well, they're just plain FUN. Of course, that's an enormous, ridiculous generalization... but you don't need to listen to me, anyway.
This next week I'm playing on getting Mario Golf, Mario Kart: DD, Soul Calibur II, and another controller. Then on Tuesday I'm getting my wisdom teeth out, which means I'm going to sit on my ass all drugged up for 5 days playing Gamecube. Excellent.
So, if you haven't already, use the Gamecube. If you return it, I'll kick you in the face 9 times. Or something like that.