Originally posted by phyzix525
Well this is going off topic, but yes helping your fellow man is good, but it depends on how you do it. As my father once told me "the difference between a liberal and a conservative is a liberal would like to give a man a fish everyday for the rest of his life, whereas a conservative would rather teach the man how to fish so he can support himself."
I know it is an old saying but I think it makes sence.
I'd rather go for the middle ground and give the man a fish a day as long as he's trying to learn to fish.
Originally posted by phyzix525
and opposing the Patiot Act that is ment to keep us protected.
The PATRIOT Act made me nervous at first. I was certain that there was potential for abuse, and I hoped that it would not be abused. Then, one day, I mentioned, while on the phone, that I felt the president had committed impeachable offenses. I immediately heard a click, and a hollow sound consistent with a phone tap kicking in. Since then, I hear the same click and hollow sound, and sometimes even whispering voices when I talk on my cell phone. It never happened before that.
Sorry to get off track, but I felt that I should respond to that. To return to the topic, Bush did make a comment indicating that he feels the rich evade taxes and that the small business owners get hit hardest. As I would expect of a typical economically conservative person, he fels that this is caused by unfair (liberal) taxes, and would probably be happier with a flat tax. I feel that everyone in this country is taxed too heavily. I feel that anyone who makes under $7000 per person per household (I believe that is defined as the "poverty line") should pay a 3% income tax, and that anyone who makes more than that should pay 5% or 6%. In additio, a 3% federal sales tax would also be added to purchases. To deal with the lower income, many government functions should be privatized, and others made more efficient. Bush is cutting the tax burden mainly for the rich, while he should be cutting taxes for everyone.