OK, the concept of that saying is good. I dont agree with the labels presented on it--I am of the opinion that liberality is something that we all owe to fellow man, and doing more to paint it in a negative light, as well as casting such stereotypes, does nothing to help it. But, I agree with the point.
Im assuming that what you are getting at is welfare. Yes, welfare is broken. Yes, it needs to be fixed. But in my experience (which is admittedly rather limited, but still valid), I have seen conservatives try to abolish it repeatedly, without offering to replace it with anything better. It is a concept that I think we need--even you said, the idea is a good thing. Getting rid of it completely is selfish and ignorant. In my experience, that conservative teaching them how has really been more of a way of making them feel good while simultaneously getting rid of every social program on the books.
Like I said, I think that those with means have a moral obligation to help those without. Not to give them the fish every day, but to help them get out of the bottom of the barrel. They dont have to dedicate their lives to it or anything as drastic, but I do think that a small part of their paycheck should be going towards that end. Its a lofty goal that I think everyone can respect. Killing social programs off one by one, as I so often see conservatives attempting to do, is a selfish and immoral way to go about it. No good.
I also dont see why the word "liberal" has such a negative connotation. Don't forget, this country was founded on liberal concepts, the constitution was written with liberal concepts, and the whole reason this country exists is because other nations were too embroiled in their own intolerant and rather conservative beliefs. Liberality is a good thing.
"Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws."
Last edited by sailor; 08-10-2004 at 05:27 PM..