Originally posted by matthew330
...and could you point me to where he said "Don't tax the rich."
as i said before, he was being critical of a kerry Tax plan, not rich people paying taxes.
Here is where he said it:
The very bottom of the page, the appendix. He's cutting out the top bracket, so you pay the same marginal rate(well, less, actually) if you make 137,000/152,000/166,500 (depending on filing status) or 300,000. Great if you make a lot of money. True, you get a break in the other brackets too -- except you don't. Hey, thanks for shifting that first friggin' bracket to half the poverty level! That's useful! No break for what
used to be the first bracket, and split the difference on the next two brackets, so the 27K-65K group get a three percent cut and the 65K-137K get a 6 percent cut -- as does the top bracket.
THAT'S "not taxing the rich", my friend.
You lose,
I win -- try again.