Washington: There is no point taxing the rich because they just dodge their tax bill anyway, President George Bush said.
"Real rich people figure out how to dodge taxes," Mr Bush said on Monday during a campaign stop in suburban Washington.
Mr Bush's Democratic rival in the November election, John Kerry, has pledged to scrap the President's tax cuts for the wealthiest people in an attempt to rein in the record budget deficit.
"You've got to be careful about this rhetoric - we're only going to tax the rich. You know who the rich in America happen to be, the small business owners," Mr Bush said.
As part of his re-election pitch, Mr Bush has vowed to ask Congress to make permanent some of his tax cuts due to expire in time.
During a visit to the Grand Canyon on Monday Senator Kerry said he would have voted for the congressional resolution authorising force against Iraq even if he had known that no weapons of mass destruction would be found.
Last week Mr Bush challenged Senator Kerry - whom Republicans accuse of flip-flopping on Iraq by voting for the war resolution and against the $US87 billion ($122 billion) request to fund operations - to say if he would have voted the same way on the suggestion that Saddam Hussein could develop weapons of mass destruction.
The Massachusetts senator said: "Yes, I would have voted for the authority. I believe it is the right authority for a president to have but I would have used that authority effectively."
Senator Kerry also said reducing US troops in Iraq significantly by next August was "an appropriate goal".
"My goal, my diplomacy, my statesmanship is to get our troops reduced in number and I believe if you do the statesmanship properly ... it's appropriate to have a goal of reducing the troops over that period of time."
On that timetable, Senator Kerry would aim to pull out a large number of the 138,000 troops in the first six months of his administration.
Senator Kerry refused to say if he had private assurances from Arab or European nations that they would would help with security and reconstruction in Iraq.
Agence France-Presse, Reuters
Who does he want to tax then? The poor?
I really can't understand how this guy's politics are so popular in America.
Mr Mephisto