Getting back to the original article...some of these events are obviously correlated to raises in the terror alert level, but not all of them. If they were all within the same timeframe, say a week, of unfavorable political events then the correlation would be much stronger. Some of these alerts though take place 10-18 days after the political event. We weren't given criteria for which political events would be noted for correlation with terror alerts. I didn't see Bush's pretzel choking, Ashcroft shrouding the statue of Justice, "healthy skies" debacle, or congressional defeat of ANWAR proposal (some of these things may have taken place before the adoption of the terror alert system). Still though given the unscientific nature of this timeline, and the possibility of sheer coincidence, it makes a fairly strong case for conspiracy. Do I believe the Bush admin. would tweak the terror alert system for political gain/influence? Yes. This is after all the administration which used the deaths of almost 3000 Americans on 9/11 to goad the public into an unrelated war in Iraq. If you deny that fact you probably haven't read Richard Clarke's book.