Yes, absolutely. If I could have put most of this as well and as coherently as you just have, Charlatan, I certainly would have done so at the start. (I have a fundamental disagreement, however, which I will get to in a moment.) I suppose part of the reason you were able to arrive at these cogent insights is due to the preceeding discussion - which I think has been illuminative. I also think you've probably made connections between some other well-known positions I've taken around here - especially as regards mind manipulation by media technology.
I do not subscribe to "Wag the Dog" scenarios. I see the requirement that the government wage media information and disinformation campaigns as part of how government must operate in the post-modern world. I also see it as a requirement to increase such campaigns to attempt to reduce the signal-to-noise ratio produced by the wholly separate and anti-governmental, amoral, socio-pathological, and anarchic power wielded by the media as held by private corporations, organizations, and individuals. The conflict between governmental authority and media-induced anarchy is exactly the conflict I address.
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