just throwing in my 2 cents here, i'm taking my third semester off from school, and still have about three semesters left for my BA, but i've learned this:
- depending on what you have to do, get it done as soon as possible, or learn how to parcel it out so you can get it all done smoothly and with no fuss. i had an advanced composition class, 30+pages of work due in a month and half, by week five i was just cleaning up on my mistakes.
- everybody's in the same boat you are. you're new, they're new, so don't feel afraid to hang out with them, but just be sure you know what you want in a friend, people change really fast in college, especially in the first year.
- don't spend too much time running after tail
- make friends with the bartenders or the guys throwing the parties
- stand up. some profs and kids are assholes, period. they want to either 'educate' you with their own slant or crush you. a stiff spine demands respect
- laugh a lot
- find out what you really want to be. take tons of fun classes, check out events, look up things you wouldn't have thought of doing in high school -- jump to if it interests you in the slight
- pay your bills asap, and avoid credit cards like the plague. those things are like a death kneel for most college kids. just get a work-study thing or a good part-time job. plastic is good but paper is better
that's all i can say for now. good luck, man
You are a prisoner in a crossaint factory, and you love it. Frank O'Hara