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Old 08-09-2004, 11:29 PM   #28 (permalink)
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Location: Colorado
My last fight was over a year ago. My friend and I were going home after we saw Terminator 3. I was driving. While driving, I exchange words with this asshole. He indicates that he wants to fight and we pull off the road. We both jump out of our cars and charge each other. We hit each other a few times, then he lands a real good hit on me and lays me out. I hit the cement and he jumps on me, pummeling my face. My friend goes to pull him off of me, but the guy's friend stops him and tells him to "let them finish". The guy gets off of me, but I'm not done yet. I get up and try to keep fighting him. By now he's probably wondering what the fuck is my problem. Then his friend get's a skateboard out of their car and comes after me with it. I run back to my car and grab my knife, trade a blow or two with the dude, and eventually chase them off.

The kicker is this: I don't remember a thing. Not a single fucking thing. What I remember is driving down the road, then all of a sudden, I'm pulling up to my friend's house, and he's asking me a bunch of questions. I feel numb and my head is all foggy. Then my friend relays to me what happened. We come to the conclusion that I must have suffered a mild concussion when my head hit the ground. Falling from 73 inches off the ground will do that I guess.

Then, who happens to turn onto the street? That's right, the fucking cops. Shit. Two cruisers pull up and ask me to step out of the car. They see my face looking like hamburger and know they got their man. Someone had called the cops and reported my license plate. They call an ambulance and I get my first ride to the hospital, even though I didn't want to go. The guy gives me oxygen, then trys to run an IV drip on me. No way, I tell him I don't want that shit, you aren't sticking needles in my veins. After about an hour, complete with a CAT scan, they say I'm fine (I got a hard head). A cop comes by and gives me a ticket for "Unlawful Display of a Weapon" but says the judge will take a look at my face and go easy on me. I pay the 100 dollar co-pay and leave.

The damage report: My face had numerous cuts and I had a massive bump on the back of my head where it hit the street. My lower right canine tip was broken off and my body ached dully. You might think this is the end of the story, but no, it gets better.

The court date is a month later. By this time my face is fully healed. Standard assembly line justice, judge reads report, you say your piece, he passes judgement, the end. I'm there for about an hour, and I want to leave. I finally get called up, he summarises what happened, I pled guilty (ignorance is a wonderful thing) and he fines me 500 dollars (out of a possible 1000 dollar fine) on top of a 50 dollar court fee and gives me 10 days in jail. He says he will waive the jail time as long as I don't do something similar for a year, but if I do, then I get mandatory jail time on top of whatever else.

Then the ambulance company calls me. They want 700 bucks, and threaten my credit rating. I tell them if they want their fucking money, talk to the cops since they ordered me to get into the ambulance. Thankfully I haven't heard back from them.

So my total comes to 650 dollars, oh and the court destroyed my knife, but it was ten bucks, I could give less of a shit. Worst fight I've had, and I've had a few. I don't start fights, I never have. I never throw the first punch. I however, have a hard time backing down. I have not once in my life backed down from physical violence. Normally I can scare most people into submission, but there are those that I will have to beat to calm them down. But there is always someone bigger and badder than you out there, and this guy was (according to what my friend said) taller and had bigger muscles than me. However, since I've stopped driving, I haven't gotten into a single violent confrontation, mainly because I'm not out on the road where tempers get heated. Not a single nasty word exchanged. I quite like that.

If you ever want to fight, come look me up. I'll oblige you.
If there exists anything mightier than destiny, then it is the courage to face destiny unflinchingly. -Geibel

Despise not death, but welcome it, for nature wills it like all else. -Marcus Aurelius

Come on, you sons of bitches! Do you want to live forever? -GySgt. Daniel J. "Dan" Daly
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