SC4 is pretty mediocre. Everyone has pretty much illustrated all the points, but I'll add another few.
- High system requirements cannot be emphasized enough
- The genre of game gets old quickly... don't get me wrong, I've played every sim city in existance, but Simcity 4 just doesn't make enough 'new' options to be interesting. Yes, rush hour lets you drive around, yawn. Why didn't they include driving a la sim copter? Or an actual 'career' mode where you had an actual job other than mayor-god for life? Such as micromanage a city throughout 30 years of turbulent times?
- Somehow city connections are really BAD. I remember building an avenue that didn't come out to the other city, and 5,000 of my sims commuted(in the morning) to a city with 500 jobs. Strange.
- The addition of agricultural zones is pointless. They are completely useless, unless I just suck at simcity ( which is unlikely, as I can make large cities that are near-utopian, as I've played some form of simcity since I was 10, I'm 21 now.. ). They provide no jobs, don't grow, and have no use. You can't even make an agricultural town, as you would have to have 90% of the land as farms to give a 4x4 residential area enough jobs. Silly.
The value I put on the game is $25. Any more, I'd think twice.