Okay, okay, okay...once again, I must break from the general concensus here.
Now, I work in retail (note: I DO NOT handle money), and I know the cost for almost everything that we sell. That being said, almost everything is nearly 75% profit (for example, a cake that normally sells for $6.99 goes on sale for $5.99. We still make $5.50 profit on that cake). There is a huge markup on everything. The freeze that you bought probably had an actual cost of $.05-.25. In fact, throughout the day, that establishment probably shrinks 10x more 'freeze slush' than what was in your cup.
My point: This girl is probably getting paid $6 an hour. She is not stealing from you, she is stealing from a corporate conglomerate that has no heart. You keep saying that you would rather your money go to the business. Why? I would rather my $3 bucks go to some poor college student trying to survive on the best job that she could get. I salute people like her - she's able to screw over the big businesses.
Now, I have to get back to my day job as chairman of Enron...
"I've made only one mistake in my life. But I made it over and over and over. That was saying 'yes' when I meant 'no'. Forgive me."