Originally posted by Stompy
Sure, 9/11 sucked, but it wasn't really scary. If it happened more frequently, then maybe I could see people getting scared, but right now chances of a terrorist attack aren't that great.
Coming from an area that lost hundreds of people in the WTC, knowing what happened in the aftermath, having relatives in and around ground zero both at the times of the attacks and in the clean up that followed, and flying out of Newark on 12/10 and flying back into Laguardia on the following Saturday when the planes were just getting back in service I will tell you that it was scary for a shitload of people.
I was at a sales gathering of nearly a thousand employees with many relatives in and around ground zero or travelling at the time of the attack. The phone lines were useless. No one on our end or on our relatives' ends knew if we were on those flights. Many just knew that we were travelling that week and didn't really know the exact itineraries. The phone lines in the Northeast were packed with calls and it took days and weeks before people were fully accounted for.
While I'm glad you weren't rattled by the attacks, millions were.