What can I say that is not already said by most people on the plannet? It is understood that if someone wants to kill, they can do so always, with their bare hands, with a knife, with a bat, with a gun. It is understood, by me anyway and I would imagine most people, that a gun is a tool designed spefically to kill a target - human or animal - that the wide distribution of guns in society will lead to more murders.
So, this killing with bats would happen or not if guns are banned... how many innocent by-standers ever have you heard to be killed with an off target swing of a bat? How many drunken or drug induced fist fights result in death compared to how many gunfights would? To ban guns will of course not stop people being murdered, it would just reduce the number of cases were the intention to kill only lasts for a second. I think also, anyone can understand that it requires a different pyschology to from distance pull a trigger, than to up close smash with a bat. If it is laughable to some people, I dont know what to say about that,
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas