It's good to see that you have at least tried a few times to lose weight. That means that you do have the motivation inside of you to accomplish what needs to be done.
Now, coming from a rookie, this probably won't mean much. But I was 320 pounds and I wasn't even 20! I managed to lose about 50 (and I'm still losing), in around 6 months, even though over the past months (with summertime and all), my diet went downhill.
Baby-steps is the easiest way. I went to my local fitness store and purchased an exercise bike for around 350 bucks (CAD). Now the thing they try and do with exercise bikes is put a weight limitation on them. Ignore it. If the bike doesn't shake when you ride it, you're going to be fine (for me to get a bike that would've supported 300+ pounds it would've cost around 2000 dollars).
On the first day I rode it for 5 minutes. Only 5. Then for everyday after that I increased it by 5 minutes until I hit one hour. So 2 weeks later I was doing an hours bike ride everyday, without over exerting myself because it was a simple workout. Then with the newfangled bikes, all you do, instead of cranking up the time, is crank up the resistance. It gets easier and easier as you go, it's just the start that is the hardest.
And as most have been saying, cutting some of the drinks out of your diet could greatly help.
Best of luck.