I know it's perfectly obvious, but the movie studios have discovered that unfortunately-all-too-important 13 to 17 yo demographic, and what an incredible moneymaker it is. Giving a damn about what adults might want to see always takes a backseat to gross profit. Movie theaters are always jam packed with teens and preteens nowadays, and that's pretty much why adults wind up paying hard earned money to see bullshit like "Dude, Where's My Car?" and "Little Nicky" and feeling like they've been crapped on by the major studios when they leave the theater.
I have waited to see AVP for quite some time now (probably since I saw Predator 2 in the theater a looooong time ago - rated R, BTW) and I am in agreement that a PG13 rating equals a death knell for any sort of integrity for this movie. It's yet another of the myriad of reasons that I've pretty much stopped patronizing the local frankenplex, but that's another story.
Louisiana: We're Not ALL Drunken Cajun Wackos, But That's Our Tourism Campaign