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Old 08-08-2004, 05:35 PM   #12 (permalink)
Talon Valdez
Location: Georgia
I can see your point. It is rather annoying, when people use qualifiers like that before they say something should just be, well, ok to say.

On the other hand, many people do feel that their sexual preference is an important part of their personality. Hmmm I'm struck by a thought.

Why should we have to know if you're straight or gay or bi or asexual or...whatever. I got the idea that these boards were all about being open and accepting, which is why I joined. If we're so open and accepting, why DO we need labels? If I accept you as a person, what does it matter what you do in your bedroom (Or kitchen table, office, back seat of a VW, etc.)? The only reason we have labels is so that we can make a decision. It factors into our thoughts whether we think it does or not. If the labels aren't there....Yeah. Ok, I see what you're getting at now.

Oh, and as far as advice being confusing- Meh. If someone asks whether they should break up with their boyfriend...What does it matter if they themselves are male or female? The advice should be the same shouldn't it?

Hmm. Excellent topic dude. I'm going to be pondering this one for a long while methinks.
It begins and ends with this...You simply can't care what the answer will be.
Talon Valdez is offline  

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