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Old 08-08-2004, 01:45 PM   #6 (permalink)
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raeanna74's Avatar
Location: Upper Michigan
Originally posted by maleficent
Becareful with the Exceedrin -- that's got caffeine in it.

And taking aspirin every day can do all sorts of damage to your stomach and to your liver (I believe)

It might very well be a food allergy.

Is there any particular time when the headaches started becoming more frequent. (ie starting birth control pills, dental work done (this was the cause of a friend of mine)

Start keeping a nutrition log, of what you eat, and also note the severity of the headaches (the doctor might just ask you to start doing this) and go to the doctor.
Yes, Yes and Yes

With Exedrin you could be getting rebound headaches. I've found that Advil or Aleve tend to give me better pain relief without the rebound headaches. Also you mentioned that you get them several times a day. Do they come on suddenly? If so and if you have any vision disturbances you could be getting cluster headaches.

Birth control used to give me headaches until I started one with a new estrogen dose.

Also was having headaches constantly when I was anemic.

There's so many possible reasons for headaches that it's best you see your Dr. Find out if there's anything with your blood pressure or any birth control pills that could be affecting you. Is it stress in your life. Try doing some meditation. Even not the traditional time, give yourself a certain amount of time each day to get away from everyone, take care of yourself and relax. You may find that that time helps very well.
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