there is no way to even the scales here -- nature wasn't fair and until someone comes up with an artificial womb (i'd love to see pro-life groups investing money in this) humanity is stuck. Allowing men to stop a woman from having an abortion (or to force her to have one for that matter) gives men undo power over women's bodies that women never have over men. In a perfect world only men who really care about the outcome of a pregnancy would exercise this right but we don't live in that world -- I see these kind of rights being abused by controlling men as another means to hold power over a woman. One could argue that such things would be worked out in court but an abortion must happen within a fairly small window and I do not trust our court system to make decisions in a timely manner (nor do i relish weighing down the system with thousands of abortion cases).
conclusion: yes, it's unfair that men do not have an official say in the future of their unborn child but it's not near as unfair as the fact that nature has saddled women with the sole responsibility of carrying a child to term. I see no way to realistically even out either of these issues. If you don't want to be caught in a situation where you disagree with your partner on what should happen should an unwanted pregnancy occur then i suggest you talk to them about this before sleeping with them.