That's the million dollar question.
1) People who build their careers out of criticizing other people's hard work.
Those who can, do.
Those who can't, criticize those who can.
2) People who leave their phone numbers on voice mail too fast at the end of a looooooong message.
3) People who think it's their God given right to act like an asshole on the Internet, simply because they cower behind their keyboards and use anonymous nicknames.
4) People who don’t think their software piracy is actually stealing. Pirate if you must, just don’t tell me what you’re doing isn’t stealing.
5) Bad parents, who blame violent video games for the corruption of our youth, yet couldn’t tell anyone what their children are up to at this very moment.
6) Protestors who think that tossing a mailbox through a window, or spraying graffiti all over a building is making a political statement.
7) People who abuse statistics to garner favour to their cause. That includes just tossing a news article that talks about a statistical study into the pile, and stating “Voila! I have succeeded in proving my point”
8) Brett Hull. He's not a pet peeve. He just pisses me off.
"A witty saying proves nothing"
- Voltaire