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Old 08-08-2004, 12:54 AM   #5 (permalink)
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Location: ignoreland
no no no...

I ordered $3 worth of food.

The red digital numbers said $7, from the previous customer. The only reason I mention this is to show that she probably did not enter MY order through.

She told me to pay $3.

She (probably) took the $3 and put it in her pocket.

I paid the right price for what I ordered. My issue is that I feel the money should go to the company, NOT her pocket.

I wonder if I should even care about this... I got what I paid for, but should I call that # to let them know their employee is stealing $? It isn't MY loss, but I'm against stealing. She only pocketed $3, but why would she stop there? Someone could order 4 shakes, she could neglect to ring in the order and still collect the money and pocket $12.

I know this is a comparison of a totally different level, but what if you knew of someone who robbed a bank? Would you morally be obligated to turn them in, even if you yourself did not suffer as a result of the robbery?

(I can't believe how worked up this has gotten me. I'll probably wake up in the morning, read this and think "why was I even giving a shit about this? I have bigger things to worry about.")

I hate it when people snitch, but on the flipside, I hate it when people abuse the trust they've been given and steal.
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