Eating right is a huge part of it. Start with a simple plan. For me, I'm dropping weight with no problem using a basic Slim Fast plan. I have a shake for breakfast, and usually a piece of fruit to go with it. Have a healthy snack mid morning, eat a reasonable lunch (I eat good food here, but the thing is that I don't eat nearly as much of it). Another healthy snack (like a piece of fruit, or maybe a protein shake), and I eat a Slim Fast dinner for dinner. I have to say that the macaroni and cheese, and the fettucini alfredo taste REALLY good. Another snack sometime after dinner, but not too close to bed time.
Another tip that has really helped me out: When you are feeling hungry, drink water. If you are hungry 80% of the time, then you are probably actually thirsty. This has helped me A LOT!
Good luck though on whatever you choose to do, and just remember it takes time, so think positive and keep at it!
Roses are red, violets are blue, I'm a schizophrenic and so am I.