Originally posted by onetime2
Limiting contributions is not a violation of the First ammendment. Individuals would still be allowed to say what they want. You want to take out an ad in the NY Times saying you think GWB is an idiot or that you disagree with specific issues, feel free.
These limits are the same as we see being placed on the GOP and DNC. Do you think all campaign finance reform limits violate the right to free speech? If so, we disagree and won't likely find common ground.
Originally posted by Superbelt
You're right. I would also like to see all 527's barred from advertising. I'd also like to see the NRA, Sierra Club, ect stop political advertisements as well.
All advertisements should be restricted to positive messages for a particular candidate. Negatives should be strictly prohibited.
That's not limiting contributions, that's restricting what can be said. They're advocating making it illegal to say anything but what they want you to say. That's a violation of the 1st.
Originally posted by Bill O'Rights
Let's be fair here. You cannot possibly compare Vietnam to Iraq. It's apples and Oranges...night and day. For one thing during the Vietnam war....Bush had an exit strategy.
I missed that comment the first time around. ROFL!