It's good to hear that you've taken the first steps already, now lets see what we can do to get those pounds off.
Firstly, set yourself some goals. Going on a diet for a few weeks not really knowing how much weight you want to lose doesn't work, as you can attest. Set yourself a goal of dropping 10 pounds over a month or two, then when you reach that goal, set yourself another.
Break your bigger goal (for instance looking like hurcules on the beach) into smaller goals of losing weight bits at a time, putting on the muscle, riding your bike e.t.c. Breaking it up helps to make where you want to go that little bit less daunting, and that little bit easier.
Secondly, get some regular cardio in somewhere. Even if you just go for a walk to the park once a day, or a quick cycle, something to keep you active. Do more squash and tennis, next season don't lose that one game.
Thirdly, start cutting down on junk foods. Don't go cold turkey, it ain't going to happen, but just slowly over a couple of weeks cut down on the junk food intake. Buy yourself some salad, or some nice big peices of steak.
Whenever you go to eat something, flip over the packet and take a look at the nutritional content. Avoid foods high in sugars and fats, High protein foods are good as they make your body work harder to get the energy, burning more calories.
Drink iced water, it helps bring your metabolism up, and burns alot of calories.
Don't be afraid to cheat every once in a while, just don't make a habit of it.
Same thing applies with the drinking. We all like a good pint, don't deny yourself that, just don't drink as much. If your really desperate, try vokda, it has roughly a quater of the calories of beer, but still gets you nicely drunk.
Fourth, build some muscle. Get yourself a few weights at home you can tinker about with. As you start to lose fat, you'll be able to see the muscles coming through, which is a great boost to your esteem.
The hardest part about starting diets and similar things is getting going. Once you reach a month, then your already in the cycle of what foods to eat, what things to do, and it's really not that hard as your mind just goes into autopilot.
Look at yourself in the mirror, say that you refuse to be this way anymore, and just plough into making yourself the person that you've always wanted to be.