Until last week, I was using IE bacause it worked. Running Win98SE, all patches and updates installed. NAV, NIS, NAS all up to date. P-MMX233 processor, mobo at 320mb RAM. Yes, it's slow, but I have dial-up which doesn't get better than 31.2-no cable or DSL available-that's another thread.
Have had no problem downloading movies, games, whatever until last week. I began getting 'IE cannot open this file' messages, and files that were .swf simply looked back at me-no open-no download, nada.
After checking that IE and media player were up to date, I downloaded the latest shockwave player from Macromedia. No difference.
Downloaded and installed Firefox. No difference.
Downloaded and installed Opera. Now I can get those files from some URLs, but not others-namely Newgrounds and Albinoblacksheep.
Also can't figure out how to get my scrolling rodent to work on Opera.
Any Tilted minds with advice to offer? Many thanx.