Originally posted by hannukah harry
while i don't always agree with radical ideas, i have no problem with the idea of getting govt. out of marriage. make it a religous thing only. great. but denying gays marriage rights because you don't want "the infection to spread" smacks of bigotry. rather than working towards getting govt. out of marraige, you'd deny them the rights that everyone else has. i personlly think that the reasons you gave in teh other thread were nothing more than BS. if tehy weren't, then i don't think you have a very realistic or rational view of the world.
While I disagree with his approach, I also disagree that it's necessarily the least bit bigoted. I think the idea is that the government would be irretrievably entrenched in the marriage thing if it handles gay marriages as well, and the best time to get govt out of marriage is before state marriage is extended to teh gheys.