OK, I am 280 lbs, I have been trying to lose weight for the last year and I have stayed at this size... its started to scare me a little, Im 26 now and by the time Im 30 aI think it will become a health issue... I tried Atkins and just couldnt stick to it... I play some sport, but I find it hard to be motivated to go tpo gym 3/4 times a week - I work long hours and after a shitty day I just cant face it, I am a heavy drinker, I eat bad food most the time, I play quite a lot of tennis and squash (ever week) and for a big guy I think I am quite fit in myself (I have only lost 1 squash game out of 30 or so this year)...
But I REALLY REALLY want to lose weigtht,,, as well as the health issues, it makes me feel so ugly and it saps all my self confidence. I KNOW the basic answer is simple, I am too fat because I comsume more calories than I use... I KNOW I am fat cos I eat and drink too much and dont get enough exercise... what can I do? I mean, has anyone here been in a similar situation of trying to lose weight for a long time and not being able too? I go on diets all the time, lose 10 lbs, then just drift off them and put it back on again... I get depressed and start drinking again, and it is all just calories making me fat
btw, Im 5 9, so I really at least 100 lbs overweight, I know whatever I can do has to be long term and it will take at least a year to get to a decent or normal size... I keep thinking if I can just get a little way further my momentum can carry me on, but how does one get past dieting for just two weeks and giving up and making a better effort at it all?
It is all so stupid. I mean, I know how I can come across, but I am not really such a stupid person, intellectually I can understand the risks of being my size, and how much better it would be to be fitter, and I can understand that all is required is some willpower, but still I dont do it.