Kobe ~should~ fucking walk. This circus of a trial all to prop up the shitty career of a pathetic prosecutor.
And this crap about a 'fair trial' for the alledged victim. Fuck the victim. She has rights to nothing. It's Kobe who is on trial and needs a fair trial. IT IS ONLY HIS RIGHTS WHICH need protection. ONLY.
The justice system is turning to shit. Thank GOD for rich defendants who can afford high priced counsel so they can stand up to those lying 'convict at all costs' and 'bury exculpatory evidence' prosecutors.
If you are in law enforcement or invovled in any way in the justice system you are lying perjuring sack of shit in my book. To those oh so few exceptions I apologize. To the rest of you...eat the peanuts out of my shit!
It's alot easier to ask for forgiveness then it is to ask for permission.