Sytem randomly restarting is caused by a flaky PSU or poor heat managment.
System freezes can be caused by ANYTHING, but if the freezes feel entirely random, or only happen under heavy cpu\video stress (IE: only freezes in 3D games) then you can be relatively assured you are again looking at a heat or PSU problem.
Download motherboard monitor and examine your powersupply rails when the system has been running at high intensity (run through a burn in test or loop 3dmark 2003 a few times).
Write down the voltage rails before and after the stress and see how much they deviate from the normal 3.3v, 5v, 12v that they should be.
Also please tell us what BRAND and how many WATTS your powersupply is rated for (it will be written on it).
Also pay attention to component heat. Though I do not suspect this is your issue. Since you have good air cooling... and if your graphics card were overheating... you would most likely notice ARTIFACTING (random bits or on screen distortions) well before it froze.
Last edited by Eric640; 08-06-2004 at 11:52 AM..